lemurdillo: cold water color on the Great Pinnacle
lemurdillo: let's all hold hands
lemurdillo: tiny everything
lemurdillo: tiny sea cucumber
lemurdillo: fragile rainbow star
lemurdillo: king of the sea cucumber
lemurdillo: giant spined star
lemurdillo: brittle star arms
lemurdillo: young sea cuke
lemurdillo: a rainbow of spines
lemurdillo: sunflower star
lemurdillo: california sea cucumber
lemurdillo: spiny sand star
lemurdillo: brittle star
lemurdillo: little star gives a wave
lemurdillo: spiny brittle star
lemurdillo: entwined
lemurdillo: urchins and anemones
lemurdillo: bat star
lemurdillo: reach
lemurdillo: leather star
lemurdillo: warty sea cucumber
lemurdillo: pointy
lemurdillo: crowned urchin
lemurdillo: biased
lemurdillo: nine (or more?) phyla...
lemurdillo: security
lemurdillo: sea cucumber of DOOM
lemurdillo: denziens