iceplee: DSC00732
iceplee: When the gasifier is still in airport wearhouse
iceplee: DSC00746
iceplee: DSC00754
iceplee: DSC00831
iceplee: selecting feedstock
iceplee: Wood chip/small blocks are good
iceplee: too small
iceplee: Better feedstock
iceplee: DSC00886
iceplee: DSC00888
iceplee: DSC00890
iceplee: DSC00893
iceplee: bioethanolcard03
iceplee: LOGO
iceplee: DSC00750
iceplee: DSC00751
iceplee: DSC00757
iceplee: 聽說這個標示是要教人家不要偷摘而已...
iceplee: DSC00830
iceplee: DSC00834
iceplee: DSC00836
iceplee: DSC00837
iceplee: DSC00838
iceplee: DSC00841
iceplee: DSC00842
iceplee: DSC00843
iceplee: Hopping feedstock in!
iceplee: Grand Opening!
iceplee: Yingchi and Mr. Petal