iceplee: As time goes by...
iceplee: Where is this classroom I don't even remember
iceplee: Versus Quartet
iceplee: versus2
iceplee: Playing at Chia-yi Presbyterian Hospital
iceplee: What was I doing then? (I cannot even play a real piano)
iceplee: 吃飯樂隊之兩名退伍軍人
iceplee: Me&Algy2
iceplee: Mr. Big in front of MNDO
iceplee: In commemoration of 228 Incident
iceplee: 東門國小1983年運動會
iceplee: 東門國小1983年運動會
iceplee: 東門國小1983年運動會
iceplee: 東門國小1983年運動會
iceplee: 東門國小1983年運動會