diffendale: pink and blue
diffendale: Plaster cast of a Roman relief representing six fasces with axes and busts of children
NASA HQ PHOTO: NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 Preflight (NHQ202302220006)
diffendale: lol
alanaplin: Hoard of 510 silver Corcyraean and Corinthian coins
Monopthalmos: Hoard of silver coins of Corinth and Korkyra, 3rd cent. BC
diffendale: Nude (2020)
NASA HQ PHOTO: SpaceX Demo-2 Launch (NHQ202005300065)
diffendale: Sora
diffendale: The Black Cuillin
diffendale: Poulnabrone portal tomb 4
diffendale: Turin, Porta Palatina 5 (view of interior)
SarahEBond: Roman Sundial