lmvazquez1: Panorama of part of the warehouse
lmvazquez1: Quesdilla and PBR...yummm
lmvazquez1: Coconut tree with coconuts ready for the taking
lmvazquez1: Fellow wwoofer Gabe climbed the tree so we could get the coconuts!
lmvazquez1: Coconuts coming down.
lmvazquez1: Caleb lowering the coconuts
lmvazquez1: Toby lowering another bunch
lmvazquez1: Caleb lowering the third bunch of coconuts
lmvazquez1: Panorama of Toby handing the rope to Gabe while Caleb looks on
lmvazquez1: Gabe on his way down
lmvazquez1: Caleb opening coconuts for us to enjoy
lmvazquez1: Leah at Dave's Ice Cream.
lmvazquez1: Caleb at Dave's Ice Cream
lmvazquez1: Gollywogs at the antique store
lmvazquez1: Caleb in the antique store
lmvazquez1: Found an Oly bottle opener!
lmvazquez1: Rainbow over the solar dehydrator and Ken's house
lmvazquez1: A gecko on Caleb's towel
lmvazquez1: Felix cuddled up for movie night
lmvazquez1: Toby relaxing and a baby enjoying our slackline