leafy: Pre-Restoration 11/26/04-1
leafy: Slate-colored Junco - Junco hyemalis
leafy: 01 30 05f
leafy: 7 30 05v_filtered - enlarged
leafy: 7 30 05w_filtered - enlarged
leafy: 11 5 05 end of box culvert
leafy: RestorationTour 16
leafy: make way for mallards!
leafy: a new way to walk
leafy: bright morning walk II
leafy: new sign
leafy: end of the box culvert
leafy: at the end of box culvert
leafy: 3 10 07b
leafy: Nine Mile Run at Commercial Avenue
leafy: renewal
leafy: grace unfolding
leafy: solar wind
leafy: cedar waxwing