Larissa84*: 90:366 "As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life..."
Larissa84*: 87:366 To touch is to feel
Larissa84*: 69:366 A Girl and Her Slug
Larissa84*: 67:366 "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Larissa84*: 40:366 "Love Yourself"
Larissa84*: 36:366 The Plight of the Yellow Flower
Larissa84*: 30:366 Blurred Moments
Larissa84*: 15:366 A Play Day in the Snow
Larissa84*: Twinkle Toes
Larissa84*: DSC_0820
Larissa84*: 3/365: Jewelry
Larissa84*: 100:366 Flower Power
Larissa84*: 142:366 The Salad Queen