Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1980
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1983. Gay Center Bus
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Gilbert Baker working on Mile-Long Flag, 1994
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival at West Coast Production Company(WCPC) parking lot, c.1985
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival at West Coast Production Company(WCPC) parking lot, c.1985
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Morris Kight and Nicole Murray Ramirez at March on Washington, 1987
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Gay Veterans at San Diego Pride Parade
Lambda Archives of San Diego: First Tijuana LGBT Pride Parade, 1995
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Cleve Jones and The Names Readers at Names Project-Golden Hall San Diego,1988
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Nicole Murray Ramirez and Cleve Jones, Names Project at Golden Hall, 1988
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival at Balboa Park, 1983-Nicole Murray Ramirez at podium
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival at Balboa Park, c.1983
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival at Balboa Park, c.1983
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Festival, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, c.1995
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Parade, 1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Los Angeles Pride 1994
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Cleve Jones (in white) and the San Diego Names Project Committee." from left: Barbara Crusberg, Pat Rocco, Jess Jessop, Albert Bell, Unknown, Cleve Jones, Susan Jester, unknown, Herb King
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Bonnie Dumanis swearing in as Municipal Court Judge, San Diego 1994
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Wendy Sue Biegeleien at San Diego Pride Parade, c. 1995
Lambda Archives of San Diego: "Queen Eddie"- Eddie Conlan at Special Delivery Anniversary, San Diego 1998
Lambda Archives of San Diego: San Diego Pride Festival,at West Coast Production Company (WCPC), c.1984
Lambda Archives of San Diego: Los Angeles Pride-"Signs Carried By Heroes-We Carry Their Memory"-- Trailer full of protest signs once carried by those who have deceased, 1993