LadyRayCello: Brad Dutz Quartet--Land on 2nd Street
LadyRayCello: LadyRay and Paul's leg and hand and part of his horn.
LadyRayCello: Brad Dutz Quartet--at Land on 2nd Street
LadyRayCello: LadyRay. Cello.
LadyRayCello: Brad Dutz @ Downey
LadyRayCello: Brad Dutz @ Downey
LadyRayCello: Shirley & LRC @ Downey
LadyRayCello: Brad Dutz Quartet - new album cover
LadyRayCello: Lady Ray on Cello
LadyRayCello: Paul on oboe
LadyRayCello: Brad on percussive things
LadyRayCello: Jim on bass clarinet