lcarol: 010
lcarol: 009
lcarol: 007
lcarol: 005
lcarol: 003
lcarol: 002
lcarol: 001
lcarol: peace Rose
lcarol: tiger lily to be B
lcarol: tiger lily to be
lcarol: struggling climbing rose
lcarol: yellow and blue004
lcarol: yellow roseA002
lcarol: trees_9412
lcarol: Weary Easter Bunny
lcarol: patio party 001
lcarol: patio party 011
lcarol: patio party 009
lcarol: roses from school
lcarol: from Romie and Laura
lcarol: Easter animals 013
lcarol: Easter animals 010
lcarol: Easter animals in process
lcarol: Tulips 2011 001
lcarol: Broken_Star_quilt[1]
lcarol: Mary_looks_at_Alden_Quilt
lcarol: Alden_Quilt
lcarol: Happy St. Pat's Day 002
lcarol: Llama Llama United Way Southwestern MN
lcarol: 100_9209