Kitty Mao:
Use Google maps, I said, but noooo.....
Kitty Mao:
Kitty Mao:
He's an old dog. Just like me.
Kitty Mao:
He has a skin condition.
Kitty Mao:
Take my money!
Kitty Mao:
Choose a round and juicy one, please.
Kitty Mao:
路是人走出来的 [Paths are made by man]
Kitty Mao:
Focussed. Focussing.
Kitty Mao:
Week 50: From the side
Kitty Mao:
Levels. Layers
Kitty Mao:
Hello Kitty. Looking Pretty at the Gardens.
Kitty Mao:
A little night music
Kitty Mao:
East meets West
Kitty Mao:
"Smile leh!"
Kitty Mao:
"Seriously? Dried lizards?"
Kitty Mao:
You've gotta dance like nobody's watching...
Kitty Mao:
Week 9: Happy
Kitty Mao:
Week 8: Fun
Kitty Mao:
Week 5: Hug
Kitty Mao:
After the show
Kitty Mao:
Kitty Mao:
See Rock City by Brant Karrick
Kitty Mao:
A little bit curious. A little bit shy.
Kitty Mao:
Hermes by Hayato Hirose
Kitty Mao:
To Be Young and Fleet Footed Again.
Kitty Mao:
Kitty Mao:
Waiting for mommy to finish her selfie
Kitty Mao:
Week 20: Moving [just a blur!]
Kitty Mao:
Week 24: Out and About