Kwozie: Chasing a steam train
Kwozie: Chasing a steam train. Right by the line.
Kwozie: Chasing a steam train
Kwozie: SH 73 - just before turn to Porter's Ski Field
Kwozie: Coal train coming through Cass
Kwozie: Steam tank - Cass
Kwozie: Horseys
Kwozie: Cass
Kwozie: Waiting for the train at Spot 1
Kwozie: Veiw while waiting for the train at Spot 1
Kwozie: Spot 2
Kwozie: Unhooking the water tank
Kwozie: Turning the train
Kwozie: Turning the train
Kwozie: Spot 3
Kwozie: Heading home and the sun finally comes out
Kwozie: Heading home and the sun finally comes out.
Kwozie: Sun comes out to throw some colour on the world.
Kwozie: Cass