Hannah 0013:
Kurrichane Thrush
Stepping into the strike {Explored}
Little Owl in an attic, Chevêche d'Athéna dans un grenier
Wanda Optland:
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo feeding in the Flowering Gum Blossoms
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature:
DSC6261 Dartford Warbler..
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature:
DSC8335 Bearded Reedling...
Ferrarezi - The art of painting with a camera:
Tororó (Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature:
DSC0132 Ringed Plover...
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature:
DSC8076 Oystercatcher..
Hannah 0013:
Southern-red Bischop ..... ♂
Thomas Retterath:
Rufous-naped Lark