kitmasterbloke: The main workshop bay is now the entrance hall
kitmasterbloke: The two new trains built by Severn Lamb Engineering
kitmasterbloke: The two new trains built by Severn Lamb Engineering
kitmasterbloke: The two new trains built by Severn Lamb Engineering
kitmasterbloke: 1980 car on display
kitmasterbloke: 1980 car on display
kitmasterbloke: 1980 car on display
kitmasterbloke: Detail of car
kitmasterbloke: Repainted 1927 car without hoods
kitmasterbloke: Wizzing under London!
kitmasterbloke: Anyone for Darts?
kitmasterbloke: Main line to Paddington
kitmasterbloke: new ride cars
kitmasterbloke: Battery Pack
kitmasterbloke: Switch panel
kitmasterbloke: 1927 power bogie exploded on the winch
kitmasterbloke: 1927 car
kitmasterbloke: Display area
kitmasterbloke: Workshop area with battery shunter
kitmasterbloke: Access tracks from the loop to the car shops
kitmasterbloke: My sleeper!
kitmasterbloke: The loop splits here
kitmasterbloke: Liverpool St main line
kitmasterbloke: In the tunnel
kitmasterbloke: Abandoned 1980 car at Mount Pleasant Eastbound
kitmasterbloke: Abandoned 1980 car at Mount Pleasant Eastbound
kitmasterbloke: Workmans MiniYork on the platform
kitmasterbloke: Double slip
kitmasterbloke: Direction reminder
kitmasterbloke: Cross passage between E and W platforms