Kenya Allmond: I went to St. Clements Island today. Here's Blackistone #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Piney Point #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Blackistone #Lighthouse (replica) #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Drum Point #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Hooper Island #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Solomon's Lump #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Smith Point #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Point Lookout #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Point No Point #Lighthouse #seenthelights
Kenya Allmond: Photo
Kenya Allmond: Memories ...
Kenya Allmond: Photo
Kenya Allmond: I may have blown up my timelines across social media platforms with lighthouses. I don't think I could help it though.
Kenya Allmond: Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse #2
Kenya Allmond: Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse #1
Kenya Allmond: Curtis Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Indian Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Owls Head Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Brown's Head Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Hendricks Head Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Burnt Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Ram Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Cuckolds Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Seguin Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Pond Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Perkins Island Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Squirrel Point Lighthouse
Kenya Allmond: Kennebec Range Lighthouses
Kenya Allmond: Doubling Point Lighthouse