Keltez: Wagin Mechanical Repairs.
Keltez: Centurion Transport Western Star
Keltez: Placing timber poles (ex SECWA / Western Power) power poles) into the ground for PETS, tramway extensions at Whiteman Park.
Keltez: Yard depot lineup of Chamberlain tractor, Massey Ferguson tractor and MF backhole / bucket attachment.
Keltez: Chamberlain Articulated mobile crane.
Keltez: A couple of Liehberr LHM 420 mobile wharf cranes at Bunbury Port.
Keltez: Fremantle Port's container cranes
Keltez: Patrick's 4 container cranes North Quay, Fremantle Port.
Keltez: One of DP WORLD's 4 leased container cranes, at Fremantle Port. Now completely removed.
Keltez: DP WORLD 4 container cranes, North Quay Fremantle Port.
Keltez: What's happened here?
Keltez: Liebherr 5 axle mobile crane, owned by Procure Logistics of (Wonthella) Geraldton.
Keltez: Crane lift to move a Moreton Bay fig tree from Ord St medium strip opposite Fremantle Arts Centre
Keltez: Freo Cranes Tadano mobile crane truck
Keltez: Liehbherr LTF telescopic mobile crane owned by Titan Heavy Lift.
Keltez: Crane lift being done at the placement storage area at No 11/12 berths. Fremantle Port.
Keltez: General Crane Services Terex mobile crane truck
Keltez: Bentley Crane Hire Liebherr mobile crane truck
Keltez: Freo Cranes on site for new bridge spans of the Roe Highway over Kwinana Freeway.
Keltez: Freo Cranes
Keltez: Liehbherr LTM mobile crane truck
Keltez: Titan Heavy Lift Liehberr LTM series mobile crane
Keltez: Titan Heavy Lift Liehberr LTM series mobile crane
Keltez: Vulcan Services Grove 5 axle mobile crane
Keltez: Titan Heavy Lift Liebherr mobile crane
Keltez: NorthLink WA
Keltez: General Crane Services Terex
Keltez: North Link WA. Liebherr crawler crane owned by John Holland Constructions
Keltez: Scrap steel being loaded into the ship Snifnos
Keltez: Northlink WA