the name of En. keemai: #Building muscle #Gymnasium #KeemaiYusof
the name of En. keemai: Late Night Dessert. #BMX #ToastedBread #SpirulinaCereal Milo
the name of En. keemai: I'm Searching For Lean Muscle. No extra supplement. come
the name of En. keemai: #Rendoging. Voyages Creeps video. #Visiting Kaplai.
the name of En. keemai: #HealthScreening : kojaq2 ! 26 ! :s . But low fat. Heavy muscle
the name of En. keemai: #Attention please do not zoom this picture. because you might see my Genitals. Haha !
the name of En. keemai: #U.S.AIRFORCE
the name of En. keemai: kopek kulit dkt belakang badan mcm kopek gam melekat. #sunburn.
the name of En. keemai: #Snorkelling #PerhentianKecil #MalaysiaDay #Trippin
the name of En. keemai: ayah dah sihat. cuma perlu jaga makan & kesihatan. 10 hari ayah dihospital. 5 hari di icu & the most wad biasa. kurus terus.
the name of En. keemai: kanji kanji kanji. "-,- bila nak shape nih ! nasib serat amik byk. xde lah bulat sgt. #targetto75kg. ameen.
the name of En. keemai: #Cleaning my Cpu.
the name of En. keemai: #IAmMr.DIY reapiring my #BB charger. ;)
the name of En. keemai: have a pray & goodnight. #BandarBaruTambun
the name of En. keemai: pancreas ayah bengkak. esok baru doktor scan apa sebabnya. harap ayah x kena sakit teruk. kwn2 tlg doakan ye. :)
the name of En. keemai: #RayaHair #IAmBarber . hihi
the name of En. keemai: Jahit Baju Raya. I am Taylor. Haha
the name of En. keemai: #Santai nye dipagi Hari. #LazatPop
the name of En. keemai: #BajBaj #Retro . Hahaha.. 2009 #VespaSuper #JohoBharu
the name of En. keemai: #CupCake #FastTime #BBQ
the name of En. keemai: Pengkalan Balak
the name of En. keemai: Ralatan drawn by Faiz Harun
the name of En. keemai: Ejan + Sara pre-wedding
the name of En. keemai: Ejan + Sara pre-wedding
the name of En. keemai: Ejan + Sara pre-wedding