kd1s: The binocular and camera tripod mount
kd1s: Ballast
kd1s: The monopod sideways
kd1s: RF based door lock/unlock
kd1s: Revision of door lock diagram
kd1s: Network and Cable Outlet
kd1s: A little light reading.
kd1s: Bare Bones Board Center
kd1s: The header on the wrong side.
kd1s: Everything
kd1s: PIC16F88
kd1s: TI556
kd1s: MC14013BCP
kd1s: Arduino Diecimila
kd1s: 8x8 LED Matrix
kd1s: Stoplight in Green
kd1s: Stoplight in Red
kd1s: LED Module and RF Module
kd1s: The arduino getting wired
kd1s: Column Selects
kd1s: Red LED selection lines
kd1s: The RF transmitter module
kd1s: In Pieces
kd1s: The Guts
kd1s: The Controller Board
kd1s: Eye Matrix
kd1s: Head On
kd1s: No Ears!
kd1s: Pre case dissasembly
kd1s: Side Profile