The Photo Foundry UK: railtrack : katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: girl on a train: katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: bananas in the snow : katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: door, katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: rail carriage, katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: on the train to oświęcim
The Photo Foundry UK: on the train to oświęcim
The Photo Foundry UK: bird of freedom : dead bird outside auschwitz
The Photo Foundry UK: tourists at auschwitz
The Photo Foundry UK: modern history, auschwitz
The Photo Foundry UK: transporting hoards of people into auschwitz
The Photo Foundry UK: polish-czech border cieszyn
The Photo Foundry UK: light : art college, katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: the bus to cieszyn from katowice
The Photo Foundry UK: degrees of separation : poverty in katowice, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: lovers : katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: conversation : academy of fine arts katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: jacket and books : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: chair and bed : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: bedroom : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: home : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: communal area : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: rotten food : abandoned hotel for immigrant workers, katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: artist louis izydorczyk : katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: the hero draws his sword : krakow, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: pigeons on snow : krakow, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: pivo gratis : krakow, poland
The Photo Foundry UK: rail bridge : katowice poland
The Photo Foundry UK: woman : still life, katowice poland