karrelbuck: The "pattern" colored with fabrics as it is on my screen
karrelbuck: The pattern on the screen
karrelbuck: Just a view of the screen, the red lines mean I can move that piece.
karrelbuck: Here I have separated them
karrelbuck: You can move the pieces around
karrelbuck: Printing out.
karrelbuck: First piece - ready to sew, others await.
karrelbuck: Progress - press as you go.
karrelbuck: First two pieces - together
karrelbuck: This is it's correct orientation
karrelbuck: Row 3 - on!
karrelbuck: First block done.
karrelbuck: Stitching foundation to fabric (just outside seam line)
karrelbuck: Fabric choices - you can use so many with this pattern.
karrelbuck: How wide shall my strips be?
karrelbuck: Measuring for strips
karrelbuck: Attaching first piece to foundation.
karrelbuck: Right sides together
karrelbuck: Press open
karrelbuck: Trim seams - be sure to hold foundation pattern out of the way!
karrelbuck: Old habit - I clip all curves
karrelbuck: Pieces 1 & 2, ready to be joined.
karrelbuck: Underside of strip.
karrelbuck: Match your centers!
karrelbuck: All pinned.
karrelbuck: Stitch, stitch. stitch
karrelbuck: Block #2 - done
karrelbuck: First 2 blocks TOGETHTER
karrelbuck: Choosing fabrics - this way or...
karrelbuck: Choosing fabrics - ...this way.