kquaas: Steinbeck
kquaas: Kerouac
kquaas: Andreas-Alcatraz
kquaas: Julie-Andreas-Kari
kquaas: Kari-Profile-Pic
kquaas: Lusia-Kari-Michael-GGB
kquaas: Organist
kquaas: Labyrinth
kquaas: Labyrinth-at-home
kquaas: Joseph Strauss, the man who built the bridge
kquaas: The details of the bridge
kquaas: Andreas with reflection of me
kquaas: The cables
kquaas: Landmark
kquaas: Andreas, Lusia and Julie
kquaas: Andreas, Michael and Lusia
kquaas: The bridge and its shadow
kquaas: Michael
kquaas: Julie on the Golden Gate Bridge
kquaas: Michael, Lusia, and Julie
kquaas: Lusia and Julie
kquaas: Synchonized Bridge Photos
kquaas: Recognition
kquaas: Recognition
kquaas: Julie
kquaas: Pretty purple flowers
kquaas: Sweet smelling rose
kquaas: The man who built the bridge...
kquaas: Statue and Bridge
kquaas: Cool old viewfinder