kquaas: Getting ready to disembark in Leros
kquaas: Welcome!
kquaas: Castelo by day
kquaas: View looking out from Pandeli Bay
kquaas: Pandeli Bay
kquaas: The castle late afternoon
kquaas: Mika and Sarah
kquaas: Kari : )
kquaas: Mika and Sarah
kquaas: Kane, Ben and Eugene
kquaas: The bell tower without a bell and scene
kquaas: Our dinner spot
kquaas: Windmills
kquaas: Greg, Dar and Tiff
kquaas: Fishing boats at Pandeli Bay
kquaas: Kerrie
kquaas: The castle in the early hours
kquaas: Castelo in the early hours
kquaas: The-Girls
kquaas: Ben-Kari-Kerrie-Nate
kquaas: Greg-Nate-Tiffany-JJ-Ben-Kari-at-Savana-Bar