kquaas: La Tour Eiffel
kquaas: Waiting for the Bus
kquaas: St. Therese's Church
kquaas: Cool Architecture
kquaas: The Bird Man and scene
kquaas: Le Metro et Pigeon
kquaas: The Bird Man
kquaas: Nate
kquaas: Look Up
kquaas: Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: Tourists, Mini and Nate at the Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: The Gutter
kquaas: Kari at the Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: Yummy Tart Goodness
kquaas: Champs Elysees to the Arc De Triomphe
kquaas: While the World Zips By
kquaas: Nate looking up the Champs Elysees
kquaas: He just keeping drawing
kquaas: France 2007
kquaas: Post and Wheel
kquaas: Motorcycle and Scene
kquaas: Schade
kquaas: Closest
kquaas: Closer
kquaas: Close
kquaas: Ferris Wheel
kquaas: SLR McLaren Roadster...
kquaas: Nudes in the Maze