kquaas: Apfel Strudel Goodness
kquaas: Irmgard, Herald, Doris and Nate
kquaas: What am I trying to say?
kquaas: Nate and Doris...
kquaas: Group Shot 2
kquaas: Group Shot 1
kquaas: Group Shot 1
kquaas: Group Shot 2
kquaas: Group Shot 3
kquaas: Group Shot 4
kquaas: Waiting to cross
kquaas: Kari Quaas and Doris Quaas
kquaas: Irmchen and Herald's livingroom
kquaas: Herald, Irmchen and Nate in Schmolln
kquaas: Herald
kquaas: Herald, Nate and Irmchen
kquaas: Statue in Schmolln
kquaas: Stadkirche sign
kquaas: Irmgard, Kari, and Herald
kquaas: Church in Schmolln
kquaas: Herald in a square in Schmolln
kquaas: Statue in Schmolln
kquaas: Irmchen looking at her garden
kquaas: Same place 29 years later
kquaas: More Kuchen!
kquaas: Egon and Marianne
kquaas: Kuchen!
kquaas: Schmidt Garden
kquaas: Schmidt Garden with bathtub
kquaas: Enrico