Kaijsa: Wyoming-Utah border
Kaijsa: Welcome to Utah
Kaijsa: blue skies
Kaijsa: Utah powder
Kaijsa: Karen makes a face
Kaijsa: I didn't dress for the weather
Kaijsa: IMG_0941
Kaijsa: IMG_0942
Kaijsa: IMG_0944
Kaijsa: Dinner!
Kaijsa: Karen at dinner
Kaijsa: Mountain view from Liberty Park
Kaijsa: Candid Eric and Karen
Kaijsa: in the Seven Canyons Fountain
Kaijsa: Seven Canyons Fountain
Kaijsa: Drinking fountain
Kaijsa: Scarred tree
Kaijsa: Was it hit by lightning?
Kaijsa: Chase House at Liberty Park
Kaijsa: Chase House at Liberty Park
Kaijsa: Old fountain
Kaijsa: The museum was closed
Kaijsa: Peacock
Kaijsa: This guy was really showing off
Kaijsa: I think this is a condor
Kaijsa: Parrot
Kaijsa: Southern ground hornbill
Kaijsa: White cockatiel
Kaijsa: Climbing down the vine with its beak
Kaijsa: Golden eagle