k0re: propane tip jar
k0re: P1090534
k0re: remedios circle
k0re: cafe ad
k0re: P1090539
k0re: child selling roses around 11pm with a tranny shoe left behind -and no prince charming to find it. lots of children hanging on the streets at midnight
k0re: P1090544
k0re: roxas blvd
k0re: pink motorcycle
k0re: door bitch
k0re: penguin cafe art - mao w/ shibuya girl face
k0re: grace & her gays
k0re: grace + me
k0re: not sure this club is the safest place for one's eyes
k0re: P1090589
k0re: bouncing lasers off the disco ball
k0re: P1090591
k0re: laser'd
k0re: laser head
k0re: laser legs
k0re: laser mouth
k0re: laser crotch
k0re: malate around 2:30amish party just getting started
k0re: dragged out to a gay bar, gay bar, gay bar
k0re: grace poster girl/door bitch at the o-bar