jwsteffelaar: Tobago from the air
jwsteffelaar: Tobago from the air; airstrip
jwsteffelaar: Tobago from the air
jwsteffelaar: Tobago from the air
jwsteffelaar: 010220110171-D38K01710171
jwsteffelaar: Florisuga mellivora, White-necked Jacobin
jwsteffelaar: Black-faced Grassquit, Tiaris bicolor omissa
jwsteffelaar: Florisuga mellivora, White-necked Jacobin
jwsteffelaar: Southern House Wren, Troglodytes musculus albicans
jwsteffelaar: Nictanassa violacea cayennensis, Yellow-crowned Night-heron
jwsteffelaar: Momotus bahamensis, Trinidad Motmot
jwsteffelaar: Green Iguana, Iguana iguana
jwsteffelaar: Owl Butterfly, Caligo eurilochus
jwsteffelaar: Brown-crested Flycatcher, Myiarchus tyrannulus tyrannulus
jwsteffelaar: Tolmomyias flaviventris collingwoodi, Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
jwsteffelaar: Tolmomyias flaviventris collingwoodi, Yellow-breasted Flycatcher
jwsteffelaar: Melanerpes rubricapillus rubricapillus, Red-crowned Woodpecker
jwsteffelaar: Melanerpes rubricapillus rubricapillus, Red-crowned Woodpecker
jwsteffelaar: Melanerpes rubricapillus rubricapillus, Red-crowned Woodpecker
jwsteffelaar: Formicivora grisea intermedia, White-fringed Antwren
jwsteffelaar: Canal Lily, Heliconia psittacorum
jwsteffelaar: 020220110704-D38K07040704
jwsteffelaar: Ortalis ruficauda ruficauda, Rufous-vented Chachalaca
jwsteffelaar: Palm Tanager, Thraupis palmarum melanoptera
jwsteffelaar: Southern House Wren, Troglodytes musculus albicans
jwsteffelaar: Chrysolampis mosquitus, Ruby topaz
jwsteffelaar: Galbula ruficauda ruficauda, Rufous-tailed Jacamar
jwsteffelaar: Bare-eyed Thrush, Turdus nudigenis nudigenis
jwsteffelaar: Mimus gilvus tobagensis, Tropical Mockingbird
jwsteffelaar: Amazilia tobaci erythronotus, Copper-rumped Hummingbird