captured by bond: hope at the end of the road DSC_0729
captured by bond: humphrey's under cover DSC_1598
Caledonia00: Iced / Vereist
Caledonia00: Last year we had snow / Letztes Jahr hatten wir Schnee
towytopper: old_vs_new
captured by bond: Grand Falls...maybe DSC_2182
TayTayF: Soul Gaze
towytopper: Schelrade Sonnenuntergang
captured by bond: above the south rim DSC_0923
TayTayF: Dazzling
TayTayF: Twisting & Turning
TayTayF: Prayer
TayTayF: Visions
norsez: Byrd Being an Early Bird
norsez: You can have this spot forever
norsez: Byrd's Private Garden
norsez: My Love is Here to Stay
Panoussiadis.: Hô Chi Minh
towytopper: Wattläufer