junipa: Flower and junior Mushiyi on DC K-18 body
junipa: rainbow hood cardigan
junipa: rainbow hood cardigan
junipa: rainbow hood cardigan
junipa: rainbow hood cardigan
junipa: rainbow hood cardigan
junipa: punky sweater
junipa: punky sweater
junipa: punky sweater
junipa: punky sweater
junipa: punky sweater
junipa: Emily
junipa: commission punkitude sweater in silver grey
junipa: little cosy sweater
junipa: Barbie sweater
junipa: Barbie sweater
junipa: cosy grey sweater
junipa: cosy grey sweater
junipa: cosy grey sweater
junipa: mix of brown and ochre malabrigo yarn
junipa: mix of brown and ochre malabrigo yarn
junipa: Mina kitty :D
junipa: green forest sweater /new novita nalle yarn
junipa: beige sweater with lace front, silk and mohair yarn
junipa: beige sweater with lace front, silk and mohair yarn
junipa: beige sweater with lace front, silk and mohair yarn
junipa: Happy Valentine's Day!
junipa: Fashionista Barbie's poncho
junipa: Fashionista Barbie's poncho