jungle mama: Agama agama sunning on coral rock
jungle mama: Is this Brown Anole in danger of starvation? Has his shed skin covered his eyes?
jungle mama: Brown Anole is shedding and even its "strawberry dewlap" is covered in disgarded silky skin!
jungle mama: What a sight! Brown Anole is shedding his pale silky skin
jungle mama: Gold stripe hooded Jesus Lizard can literally run on water!
jungle mama: Iguana climbs out of sunlit rushes
jungle mama: Everglades Racer is sunning on top of mound of Aristolochia leaves!
jungle mama: Oops, snake sunning in Aristolochia Vine on a cold morning!
jungle mama: Cuban Brown Anole with "strawberry" dewlap for attracting and repelling
jungle mama: Mastering the art of camouflage... Green Anole on Hawaiian Mahoe
jungle mama: Green Anoles were so busy mating that they didn't mind us watching!
jungle mama: Baby Cuban Anole... look closely... shadow body and real head!
jungle mama: Curious Anole couldn't stand not knowing whether I was still there... or not
jungle mama: 14 inch Cuban Knight Anole playing peek a boo with me behind a Palm Tree
jungle mama: Male orange headed Agama agama is a brilliant dinosaur-like beauty in the morning sun
jungle mama: Female orange headed Agama agama is duller in color than the male but just as quick
jungle mama: Sea Grape and bright green Anole
jungle mama: My turtle friend let me get up close!
jungle mama: Green Anole with strawberry dewlap and shadow
jungle mama: Iguana named Otto is sunning!
jungle mama: Basilisk or Jesus lizard walks on water!
jungle mama: Agama agama in striped shade
jungle mama: Golden Iguana armor... filled with spikes and spines
jungle mama: Gold Otto on full display in the sun
jungle mama: Look up! Large golden Iguana is lounging in the tree overhead!
jungle mama: Large orange Otto sunning in Screw Pine
jungle mama: Iguana nose spikes, subtympanic shield and ruffly orange dewlap
jungle mama: Armored Iguana sunning on Screwpine
jungle mama: Orange Iguana's toes and nails grasp Screw Pine tree
jungle mama: Florida Gopher Tortoise is chewing grass and staring me down