jungle mama: Both sides of Heliconius doris mating on red Pentas
jungle mama: White-edged Heliconius melpomene is perched on Chaya leaf
jungle mama: Heliconius melpomene madeira is nectaring on red orange flowers
jungle mama: Heliconius melpomene madeira on lush leaves
jungle mama: Heliconius atthis nectaring on Panana Rose
jungle mama: Heliconius antiochus perches on yellow edged Jatropha leaf!
jungle mama: Glowing Heliconius hecale perched on leaf tip
jungle mama: Heliconius hecale is nectaring on lustrous red Firespike
jungle mama: Glowing Heliconius hecale on curling deep green leaf
jungle mama: Heliconius hecale on leaf in front of Spicy Jatropha flowers
jungle mama: Iridescent Heliconius sapho clings to stem of purple Porterweed
jungle mama: Zebra longwings are happily mating!
jungle mama: Navy and white striped Heliconius antiochus on Spicy Jatropha
jungle mama: Black and white Heliconius antiochus on purple droplet flowers
jungle mama: Postman is nectaring on tubular African Firebush
jungle mama: Heliconius doris on delicate purple porterweed
jungle mama: The view we usually see.. wings on the out swing
jungle mama: The view we don't usually see... wings on the in swing
jungle mama: Heliconius melpomene Madeira sipping red Hot Lips nectar!
jungle mama: Full wing Heliconius doris is nectaring on white Pentas
jungle mama: Fast moving wings of black, red and white Heliconius doris
jungle mama: Heliconius antiochus on fuzzy, lacy fern
jungle mama: Heliconius antiochus with curled proboscis is perched atop wavy leaf
jungle mama: Chilled Heliconians hang from Spanish Moss
jungle mama: Heliconians hanging in sunlight on a cold morning
jungle mama: Heliconius doris perched on many-flowered coral-colored Pagoda plant
jungle mama: Red flagged Heliconius on pink Pentas
jungle mama: Heliconius nectaring on trumphet-like red Pentas
jungle mama: Heliconius melpomene on Spicy Jatropha
jungle mama: Heliconius numata is nectaring on red Pentas