jungle mama: Wet blue world
jungle mama: Wet blue bubbles
jungle mama: Wet blue 2
jungle mama: Mother Goose and... 15 goslings?
jungle mama: Mother Goose and her brood of 14
jungle mama: Finger on fungus
jungle mama: Finger on fungus
jungle mama: Picking mulberries after the rain
jungle mama: Ah, the mulberries are ripening. The birds and I are happy!
jungle mama: Sky in a puddle
jungle mama: Wet Sunday Palms in puddle
jungle mama: World in a puddle
jungle mama: World in a puddle
jungle mama: Wet Sunday inner world
jungle mama: Zamia cone is popping open to reveal lustrous red seeds
jungle mama: Muscovy duck by the canal has red seedlike face marks
jungle mama: Yellow Shrimp plant
jungle mama: Seeds spilling out of blue green fruits or pods
jungle mama: Blue green fruit or pod closed and open
jungle mama: Wakodahatchee fernhead unfurling
jungle mama: Tree bark on a rainy morning
jungle mama: Bottlebrush in the rain