nordicshutter: Kids on the Ferry
nordicshutter: Queen City Yacht Club, Ward's Island
nordicshutter: Baordwalk, Ward's Island
nordicshutter: Boardwalk, Ward's Island
nordicshutter: Bollard with a message
nordicshutter: Art installation, Eastern Gap, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Rust never sleeps, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Laundry, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Dye job, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Fall trees, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Bay window, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Real and artificial colours, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Streetscape, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Cosy Corner, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Hammock and cottage, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: No cars here, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Ivy never sleeps, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Refuge, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Cottage, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Tiny little CN Tower, Ward's Island, Toronto
nordicshutter: Sidewalk, Ward's Island, Toronto