Judit T: the leaves leaving
Judit T: A cricket feeding on
Judit T: intense perfume
Judit T: filling the pollen basket
Judit T: closer
Judit T: attentive white butterfly
Judit T: grass seeds
Judit T: banana heart
Judit T: sweet rebellion
Judit T: green pearl
Judit T: little roses
Judit T: autumn sun
Judit T: bud
Judit T: lushness
Judit T: moss
Judit T: and blue sky...
Judit T: clover leaf
Judit T: Gypsophila Paniculata
Judit T: watercolor
Judit T: red hibiscus
Judit T: snail
Judit T: destiny
Judit T: unceremoniously
Judit T: beetle brasileirinho
Judit T: beach
Judit T: Looking for stars
Judit T: Mosses
Judit T: soft
Judit T: sparrow
Judit T: greta oto