Profound Whatever: A brief history of time machines 8/11
Joel Robison: These Are The Creatures In My Neighborhood
Rob Webb.: Golden cascade (153/365)
xavierwallach: Stephane - Tattoo artist
The Library of Congress: Maintenance man at the Combustion Engineering Co. working at the largest cold steel hydraulic press in the world, Chattanooga, Tenn. This press can shape steel plates several inches in thickness (LOC)
Daire Quinlan: Third time's the charm ... Miss F.
isayx3: One Light
sara kiesling: Torrie James
georgsfoto: appletrees
Spirit Vision Photography: Woman in Pub (Neopan 1600 film)
epatsellis: DSCF7015.jpg
Georg F. Klein: Kathrin #4
zrisso: Dream 2 test
Skink74: gloomy banks
confusedandbefuddled: Bettie Blitz - 4
pippuz78: intimacy n.17
Photo As Image: Sarah in Window
eduardo_frances: Maxine 2