Liz & Johnny: Memorial Stone
Liz & Johnny: John Wesley Barker 1927-2007
Liz & Johnny: Farewell Spit
Liz & Johnny: Farewell Spit
Liz & Johnny: Front Door
Liz & Johnny: Breakfast
Liz & Johnny: Tahunanui Beach
Liz & Johnny: Back Garden
Liz & Johnny: Back Garden
Liz & Johnny: John and Johnny
Liz & Johnny: Kemp, Helen, Dad, John and Angela
Liz & Johnny: Family Circle
Liz & Johnny: Beach Cricket
Liz & Johnny: Angela & Dad at Post Boxes, Langfords Store, Bainham
Liz & Johnny: Dad photographs Angela
Liz & Johnny: Dad's harpsichord, Nelson
Liz & Johnny: John Wesley Lane
Liz & Johnny: Margaret and Frederick Barker #1
Liz & Johnny: Margaret and Frederick Barker #2
Liz & Johnny: Margaret and Frederick Barker #3
Liz & Johnny: John, Maggie & Fred
Liz & Johnny: John & Johnny