Johnny.Lou: catch you
Johnny.Lou: 只是一些盒子,承載一些記憶
Johnny.Lou: image 1
Johnny.Lou: miss.Ming
Johnny.Lou: Brothers
Johnny.Lou: 張同學
Johnny.Lou: B_boy wait
Johnny.Lou: 75460011
Johnny.Lou: may i be your shoulder
Johnny.Lou: 小洲
Johnny.Lou: you and me
Johnny.Lou: x & y
Johnny.Lou: Black and White
Johnny.Lou: JohnnyLou
Johnny.Lou: 雨萌.司
Johnny.Lou: 台灣小吃街
Johnny.Lou: The Main Purpose Of Reading ?
Johnny.Lou: Some Emotion
Johnny.Lou: Empty
Johnny.Lou: Empty
Johnny.Lou: Some Emotion
Johnny.Lou: Some Emotion
Johnny.Lou: 那些與你一同醒來的早晨