johl: Museum für Naturkunde
johl: I was invited to Wikimedia Korea‘s conference on 20 years of Korean Wikipedia (and I gave a presentation)
johl: I was in Korea and ate some food
johl: Quick lunch: Spicy silken tofu
johl: Diese Woche habe ich mich viel mit der Digital- und Cybersecurity-Strategie von Taiwan beschäftigt, deshalb lag taiwanesisches Essen nahe.
johl: Tiere in Brandenburg
johl: Don‘t be fooled by the slight hipster vibes – this stuff is legit.
johl: Good snack. Approved.
johl: Mandatory tourist stuff in Vienna
johl: Eis im Stanitzel: Ziegenkäse und Marille
johl: Photo
johl: Hodiaŭ mi vizitas la Esperanto-Muzeon en la Aŭstria Nacia Biblioteko en Vieno.
johl: Photo
johl: Hipster café is too hip for laptops 😢
johl: Naschmarkt, Vienna
johl: Café Drechsler am Naschmarkt
johl: Coffee = happiness
johl: Minced meat and pak choi fried in sesame oil, dark and light soy sauce, a little vinegar, gochujang and sesame paste/tahina and of course plenty of garlic. Then make quick-cooking Chinese noodles and toss them in the pan. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and
johl: Yet another improvised dish: I really only stir-fried noodles, beef, broccoli, mushrooms and pak choi and made it numbingly spicy with mala sauce made from chili and Szechuan pepper, but you can call it Mala Xiang Guo (麻辣香锅) if you're feeling fancy.
johl: Veggie Bibimbap with carrots, spinach, mushrooms, soy bean sprouts, and "minced meat".
johl: Vaccination day again! Third jab against COVID-19. Flu shot. You scare me less now, winter season!
johl: Quick lunch: spinach (aka the magic incredibly shrinking leafy greens) with chili tofu stit-fried in an improvised sauce of gochujang, garlic, sesame oil, and soy sauce over white rice. 🍚
johl: Korean curry.
johl: ICC/Messe Nord
johl: Leftovers with sweet and sour Tangsuyuk sauce
johl: Pro tip: just put double the amount of rice you need into your rice cooker, get rewarded with delicious egg fried rice the next day with the leftover amount.
johl: Super quick improvised lunch with baby pak choi stir fried with tofu in chili oil
johl: I just got my heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech almost three months after my first jab with Oxford-AstraZeneca. This time it was at a fun location: not at a vaccination center or a doctor's office (like my first shot), but
johl: Außengastronomie
johl: Ich mag den internationalen Museumstag bei Animal Crossing, auch weil der Museumskurator Eugen die Eule immer so schöne GLAM-Begriffe droppt.