johengen: Drama majors at Friday Celebration - with their great puppets
johengen: Seniors receive a surprise from Scott
johengen: Campers and their great painted T-shirts
johengen: Campers and their great painted T-shirts
johengen: Conselors Kate, John, and Clark palling around
johengen: Crochet in the meadow
johengen: Matt's Visual Arts Majors' big project
johengen: Volleyball in the meadow
johengen: Tetherball - always a favorite
johengen: Chilling out in the sun
johengen: Chilling out in the sun
johengen: Tai Ji Eucharst as campers and Jan look on
johengen: David and Scott lead the Tai Ji Eucharist
johengen: "If I were not a camper..."
johengen: Campers enjoy campfire under the tent
johengen: Scott in a relaxed moment
johengen: Brandon Graham presents his winning routine
johengen: Steve, script in hand?
johengen: Watching and enjoying campfire under the tent
johengen: A surprise visit by Barbapapa