Jocawe: plums
Jocawe: plums
Jocawe: mmmm
Jocawe: begonia
Jocawe: busy busy
Jocawe: hypericum
Jocawe: ampelopsis
Jocawe: Peter's oak
Jocawe: Ginkgo
Jocawe: november and still busy
Jocawe: still at work
Jocawe: M-m-m-m-m
Jocawe: fall
Jocawe: fall
Jocawe: fall
Jocawe: part of the flowerpot
Jocawe: African violet
Jocawe: fall
Jocawe: lady bug
Jocawe: fall
Jocawe: winter
Jocawe: white frost
Jocawe: elder
Jocawe: featherey
Jocawe: spotted
Jocawe: Mikiola fagi
Jocawe: Mikiola fagi
Jocawe: hiding in the flowerpot
Jocawe: take a bite
Jocawe: wonderland