Josephine1991: Aconites and snowdrops
Josephine1991: Buddha in close-up
Josephine1991: Daffodils
Josephine1991: Closer view of Batsford church
Josephine1991: Close-up of the house
Josephine1991: Daphne in close-up
Josephine1991: Ducks in the swamp
Josephine1991: Hellebores in close-up
Josephine1991: Our bus
Josephine1991: Over the fence
Josephine1991: Overview of part of the garden
Josephine1991: Pretty orange flower
Josephine1991: Snowdrops by the stream
Josephine1991: Snowdrops in close up
Josephine1991: The church framed by trees
Josephine1991: Through the trees