Patrick Dirlam Photography: Painted Redstart
lamoustique: Trumpeter Swan
lamoustique: Greater Yellowlegs
erik.karole: Feeder 4
Dave_Lawrence: Northern Harrier---Circus hudsonius
Dave_Lawrence: Long-tailed Duck---Clangula hyemalis
Brenda Harker: Cool Misty Morning
Brenda Harker: Missing You
Alan Vernon.: Male Hummingbird in flight
fossiled: Aerodynamic in 1953
morrobayrich: Otter vs Mussel
morrobayrich: The eyes have it
morrobayrich: Loon v.s. Fish
morrobayrich: The answer ...
morrobayrich: Nothing beats a good Mom
morrobayrich: Vermillion Flycatcher
Bill Bouton: Lark Bunting, Calamospiza melanocorys (Messy Molt)
Bill Bouton: Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta
Bill Bouton: Lark Bunting, Calamospiza melanocorys, male.
Bill Bouton: Almost molted into "breeding" plumage
Bill Bouton: Santa Catalina Mariposa Lily,Calochortus catalinae
Rick Derevan: On the Nest
Dave_Lawrence: Herring Gull---Larus argentatus
Dave_Lawrence: Belted Kingfisher---Megaceryle alcyon
Dave_Lawrence: Pied-billed Grebe---Podilymbus podiceps
marlin harms: Green-winged Teal Splish Splash
avilacats: The aging pier at Avila Beach