Dave_Lawrence: Yellow-billed Magpie---Pica nuttalli
lamoustique: Hooded Merganser couple
Dave_Lawrence: Fox Sparrow---Passsrrella iliaca
Dave_Lawrence: Western Bluebird---Sialia mexicana
Dave_Lawrence: Red-winged Blackbird---Agelaius phoeniceus
Dave_Lawrence: Yellow-rumped Warbler---Setophaga coronata
Dave_Lawrence: White-breasted Nuthatch---Sitta carolinensis
Dave_Lawrence: White-crowned Sparrow---Zonotricia leukophrys
Dave_Lawrence: Red-shouldered Hawk---Buteo lineatus
Dave_Lawrence: Yellow-billed Magpie---Pica nuttalli
Dave_Lawrence: Western Bluebird---Sialia mexicana
Dave_Lawrence: Loggerhead Shrike---Lanius tudovicianus
Dave_Lawrence: Black Phoebe---Sayornis nigricans
Mimi Ditchie: Convict Lake in the Morning
erik.karole: Bald Eagle Takeoff
Patrick Dirlam Photography: Grand Canyon Rainbow_Aug222024_2933
marlin harms: Okenia rosacea, Hopkin's Rose in a Divot
marlin harms: Fighting Tentacles or Acrorhagi, Anthopleura sola, Starburst Anemone
marlin harms: Old Oak Trunks
marlin harms: Bewick's Wren Probing a Pine Cone
marlin harms: Sea Cave at Low Tide
marlin harms: Leptasterias hexactis, Six-rayed Star
marlin harms: Merriam's Chipmunk, Tamias merriami Finishing a Drink
marlin harms: Lesser Goldfinch & Hermit Thrush, Community is OK When You Find a Drinking Hole
marlin harms: Isocheles pilosus, Moonsnail Hermit Crab
marlin harms: Bright One in the Boat Parade
marlin harms: Showing Colors Before the Boat Parade
marlin harms: Semipalmated Plovers, In Kelp Do We Trust
marlin harms: Black Prickleback Plays Possum Above Water in Intertidal