Jim Frazier: Safety Precautions…
Jim Frazier: The World's Best Chocolate Cake
Jim Frazier: Graveyard for Streetcars
Jim Frazier: My Notebook
Jim Frazier: Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey Touch and Goes
Jim Frazier: West Side Flickstas - Armed and Stupid
Jim Frazier: The Portrait Jam Group
Jim Frazier: "On the cover of the Rolling St..." I mean "Wall Street Journal"
Jim Frazier: Yeah, I'm ugly. But you're, uh, er, well…OK, I AM pretty ugly.
Jim Frazier: John Davis Explorer Rose and Clematis (General Sikorski)
Jim Frazier: Quincy Rail Bridge
Jim Frazier: Rock and Grass
Jim Frazier: Great Horned Owls
Jim Frazier: Dark-Eyed Junco
Jim Frazier: Group photo for the Kelby Photowalk
Jim Frazier: As we were heading south towards Florida, we had to turn the AC on in Valdosta, Georgia.
Jim Frazier: Got my 2022 redbud!
Jim Frazier: Don't. Just Don't.
Jim Frazier: Brick wall with a bit of mural
Jim Frazier: My Favorite View on My Walk
Jim Frazier: FedEx gets it. UPS gets it. The pizza guy gets it. Even the USPS gets is. But Amazon? Not so much.
Jim Frazier: All this talk about Spam - I couldn't help myself
Jim Frazier: How I spent my Sunday afternoon
Jim Frazier: Some guy who probably thinks he knows what he's talking about.