jillybug ~:
Shower Anyone?
jillybug ~:
"I think I like this one...
jillybug ~:
"This matches my eyes...
jillybug ~:
jillybug ~:
Portland Chinese Gardens
jillybug ~:
"...ooooo...I'll get her..."
jillybug ~:
"...did THAT LADY just call me a WEiRd DoLL?"
jillybug ~:
"Hurry up you slow pokes!"
jillybug ~:
jillybug ~:
Manmade rock sculptures inside garden...
jillybug ~:
A Passageway...
jillybug ~:
I saw this...and could only think of...
jillybug ~:
"...aRe YoU SURE I won't fall?"
jillybug ~:
Ledge Sitter
jillybug ~:
Cute little "nanners" on the Banana tree
jillybug ~:
Banana Tree just inside the entrance...
jillybug ~:
Water Lily
jillybug ~:
Across the reflecting pool.
jillybug ~:
The Falls
jillybug ~:
Gardenia, for you, Mom.
jillybug ~:
Entrance area...and first "doorway" to
jillybug ~:
Portland Chinese Gardens...
jillybug ~:
"Not another PLANT! ...Mom go visit a garden...
jillybug ~:
We went here with friends last night...