jillybug ~: OH NO...not another one of these!
jillybug ~: My sister!
jillybug ~: Dutch is here... :)
jillybug ~: First out of box piccies...
jillybug ~: Dutch as...
jillybug ~: Dagmar and Dutch...
jillybug ~: Hey...BACK OFF!
jillybug ~: Divatude.
jillybug ~: Dutch (Another Clock Rabbit) coloring...
jillybug ~: Sweetness.
jillybug ~: Truce?
jillybug ~: To Grandma's house we go...
jillybug ~: Dutch
jillybug ~: Dutch
jillybug ~: Dutch...
jillybug ~: Dutch again...eeps sorry!
jillybug ~: I'm almost out the door...but...
jillybug ~: Dutch
jillybug ~: Dutchie <3
jillybug ~: Dutch (just in case you're on the fence :D)
jillybug ~: Dutch (overload sorry!)
jillybug ~: Last one on this page...
jillybug ~: Everythings better when you have a bear...
jillybug ~: This box came...
jillybug ~: 2 seconds later...