jflint: Open
jflint: Round and round
jflint: Static
jflint: Fungi
jflint: Shrooms
jflint: Not even september yet...
jflint: Blackberry Cobbler
jflint: Veggies
jflint: Granddaddy
jflint: Roly
jflint: Egg
jflint: Ripe
jflint: Sticky
jflint: More Maters
jflint: First Pepper
jflint: Maters
jflint: More lunch-time burger goodness: turkey burger with avocado and tomato trinity
jflint: Bassmaster
jflint: Flowering Tree
jflint: Lunch: turkey burger with roasted tomatoes, Gorgonzola and spinach, all on the George Forman
jflint: Crossing Ramsey Prong
jflint: Ramsey Cascades
jflint: EG in the creek
jflint: EG and I on the way up to Grotto Falls
jflint: Passed the llama train coming down from their first supply trip of the season up to Leconte Lodge
jflint: Jana and EG at Clingmans Dome
jflint: Grotto
jflint: Clingmans
jflint: Climbing