Jetzipops: DSCF60014f1600 Rainforest brown butterfly
Jetzipops: DSCF58644f Orange breasted sunbird (female?)
Jetzipops: DSCF50464f Cape Lappet moth
Jetzipops: DSCF43924f Comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) seen in my back garden yesterday
Jetzipops: Spider spinning web in my back garden yesterday afternoon.
Jetzipops: DSCF43314f Spider spinning web in my back garden yesterday afternoon.
Jetzipops: DSCF43294f Spider spinning web in my back garden yesterday afternoon.
Jetzipops: DSCF43264f Spider spinning web in my back garden yesterday afternoon.
Jetzipops: DSCF42544f Red admiral seen in my back garden yesterday.
Jetzipops: DSCF42354f Female large white seen in my back garden yesterday
Jetzipops: DSCF42274f Small tortoiseshell seen in my back garden yesterday.
Jetzipops: DSCF42064f Speckled wood seen in my garden yesterday afternoon.
Jetzipops: DSCF41504f Red Underwing (Catocala nupta) moth.
Jetzipops: DSCF37764f Gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) on lychnis in my back garden
Jetzipops: DSCF34594f Hyssop and Cirsium seedlings
Jetzipops: DSCF33374f Skipper on verbena
Jetzipops: DSCF32264f Meadow brown (Maniola jurtina) on verbena bonariensis
Jetzipops: DSCF31174f Small tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) on lychnis
Jetzipops: DSCF32054f Comma (Polygonia c-album) on crocosmia
Jetzipops: DSCF31794f Small tortoiseshell on uPVC
Jetzipops: DSCF31404f Eggs on glass - the result
Jetzipops: DSCF31654f Hummingbird hawk moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)
Jetzipops: DSCF30544f Brimstone moth (Opisthograptis luteolata)
Jetzipops: DSCF30334f Eggs on glass
Jetzipops: DSCF30294f
Jetzipops: DSCF30204f Male small skipper, The Wetlands, Twycross Zoo
Jetzipops: DSCF29984f Female small skipper, The Wetlands, Twycross Zoo
Jetzipops: DSCF29894f Nyala at Twycross Zoo
Jetzipops: DSCF29844f Sunbathing zebra, Twycross Zoo
Jetzipops: DSCF29704f