Jessica Ghost Writer: #Monday #homemade #coffeefix #espresso + #spellegrino + #fresh #lime = #smile on face!! #週一早上的手作咖啡 #實驗成功 #濃縮咖啡檸檬氣泡飲 #夏天的感覺 #喝了有微笑線 #週一的必需品
Jessica Ghost Writer: #久違的週六早午餐 #自製果醬 #酪梨牛奶 #荷包蛋 #起司 #葡萄 #吐司 #元氣 Saturday #brunch #homemade #sunnysideup #foodporn #sohungry #letseat
Jessica Ghost Writer: @coldplay X @uniqlo X @starbucks do I get $$ for endorsement? #lol photo by @kitoki and @xjunlee #無意中的代言照 #難得的優雅
Jessica Ghost Writer: It was an amazing songwriting camp in Penang! Thank you all!! 第一個在檳城舉辦的寫歌營,團體照一定要來一下!!#warnerchappell #warnerchappellmusic #warnerchappellpenangwritingcamp #latergram #penang #華納版權檳城創作營 #華納版權
Jessica Ghost Writer: Before the songwriting camp.... taking a coffee break. Photo by @kitoki #penang #cafe 寫歌營之前的小小咖啡時間,等等要開始衝了~ #檳城
Jessica Ghost Writer: Takeshi on the wall... #izakaya #japanesefood #tgisaturday #drinkup #背後牆上有金城武的電影海報 #還是鳥家好吃 #有日本的fu #喝吧
Jessica Ghost Writer: And it's time for some #sushi #nigiri #japanesefood #foodporn #fish #raw #壽司 #握壽司 #瞞著爹
Jessica Ghost Writer: Battle of the #sun #skyporn #cloudy #river #water #fisherman #taipei #taiwan #淡水 #好久沒來淡水變化也太大 #海風吹 #3小時快閃 #吃吃喝喝
Jessica Ghost Writer: A great night with #coldplay #coldplaytaipei #coldplaytaiwan #concert #酷玩樂團 #酷玩在台北
Jessica Ghost Writer: #shittyweather #shittyPA #shittyvenue but we got #awesome #coldplay #coldplaytaiwan #coldplaytaipei Chris said thank you for standing in the Rain and in this crazy carpark with us. How true!! #酷玩樂團 #酷玩在台北 #天氣爛透場地爛透音響爛透但是酷玩有棒棒
Jessica Ghost Writer: Another #session going on!! HK and Korea colab! #warnerchappell #warnerchappellmusic #cantstopwontstop #華納版權 #今天是燒鴨泡菜組合 #makingmusic
Jessica Ghost Writer: It's about time to go to my very first #coldplay concert in #taiwan and we just need the rain to stop!!! #coldplaytaiwan #niffler #fantasticbeasts #第一次看冷玩請給我好天氣 #難道雨衣跑不掉
Jessica Ghost Writer: A little bit #Sakura in my life. #cherryblossom #貓空 #flower #櫻花 #春 #springday
Jessica Ghost Writer: #roastedtea #icecream with #cat #cookie in #maokong #taipei #afternoontea before the hike!! #貓空 的 #下午茶 #鐵觀音 #冰淇淋 還有小貓餅乾~ #吃完就開始爬山
Jessica Ghost Writer: Who is #who #hakone #shrine #tbt #latergram #lakeashi #lake #japan #誰是誰 #箱根 #鳥居 #箱根神社 #日本 #湖
Jessica Ghost Writer: #Unknown #flower #plant we saw yesterday... #春天 #花 #植物
Jessica Ghost Writer: #springday in #keelung #jilong we have #awesome #seaview in #taiwan too!! #sky #ocean #nofilter #基隆 也是有無敵海景 #純天然無濾鏡 #海天一色 #春天 #基隆嶼 #skyporn
Jessica Ghost Writer: Hello big #ballon #keelung #jilong #taiwan #基隆 出現了巨大的氣球怪!超可愛的~
Jessica Ghost Writer: @tma68 @nesemusic some good stuff coming soon! #cantstopwontstop #session #downtownmusic #warnerchappell #warnerchappellmusic #當道音樂 #華納版權 #馬弟弟魔鬼寫歌週來到一個ending #聽到好歌有爽爽的
Jessica Ghost Writer: #只是路過 #車 #就是車 #lamborghini #car
Jessica Ghost Writer: #cantstopwontstop writing #session continues!! #warnerchappell #warnerchappellmusic 星期一沒有時間blue,寫歌就對了!#華納版權 #繼續折磨馬弟弟 #副歌好聽
Jessica Ghost Writer: A rainy and #jazzy Saturday night in #taipei with a bottle of Shiraz and friends @mariachimike @jayqoe #livemusic #下雨天爵士天 #放空聽爵士
Jessica Ghost Writer: Keep fighting.... another #session #studio #warnerchappell #warnerchappellmusic #華納版權 寫歌吧!!! @nesemusic @tma68
Jessica Ghost Writer: Live #recording drum and bass #studio #錄音室 跑攤ing 錄鼓&bass #還是真樂器好 #我想學打鼓
Jessica Ghost Writer: 各位觀眾!!是 #周華健 #wakin #我從國小聽你的歌長大 #忘記說你兒子滿可愛會演戲喔
Jessica Ghost Writer: #springday #blossom #flowers #春天 #北京 #花的姿態 #桃花
Jessica Ghost Writer: #桃花 #桃花林 #北京 #春 #springday #blossom #flowers #sky
Jessica Ghost Writer: 第一次看到 #桃花 盛開!#北京 #春天 #flowers #blossom #springday
Jessica Ghost Writer: It's #springday with #blossom #flowers #beijing 在 #北京 賞 #桃花 好舒服的春天!
Jessica Ghost Writer: Great day in #beijing with decent air, it's really a blessing.... #tree #cloudporn #cloud #sky