Different Seasons Jewelry: Sketch brooch two
Different Seasons Jewelry: Hand drawn piercing template
Different Seasons Jewelry: Orchid Series Sketch
Different Seasons Jewelry: Sketches for Orchid Pendants
Different Seasons Jewelry: Pink Coyamito Blossom Pendant SKetch & W.I.P.
Different Seasons Jewelry: Flowers of Kangarooo Island Sketch
Different Seasons Jewelry: Design Sketch for Purple Opal Floral Pendant
Different Seasons Jewelry: "Blooms of Sunstone" Design Sketch
Different Seasons Jewelry: ART Jewelry Magazine articles
Different Seasons Jewelry: Carving Sketch
Different Seasons Jewelry: Rough Draft Design Sketch & Wing Set 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Rough Draft 2.
Different Seasons Jewelry: opal heart design sketch
Different Seasons Jewelry: rose cuff sketch 2
Different Seasons Jewelry: rose cuff rough sketch 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: rose cuff sketch 3
Different Seasons Jewelry: Rubellite Necklace Focal Rough Sketch 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Fire Opal Pendant Rough Sketch 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Choice 3~ Heather's Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Choice 3~ Heather's Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Heather~ Opal Choice 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Heather's Ring~ Choice 3
Different Seasons Jewelry: Choice 2~ Heather's Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Choice 2~ Heather's Ring