Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Ed Schultz speaking to a fan
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Buttons, Balloons & Shirts
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: "Union Thug" selling balloons & buttons
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Stand with Wisconsin
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Ed Schultz broadcasting live
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Ed Schultz posing with fans
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Ed Schultz signing autographs
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Ed Schultz speaks with viewers
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Crowd gathers for Ed Schultz
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Waiting for the Ed Schultz Show to begin
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: State Senator Jon Erpenbach
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: State Senator Lena Taylor
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Results Party - Majestic Madison
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: Democratic Party of WI Chair Mike Tate
Jennifer A Vejvoda Photography: WI Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller